Local enrolment area
Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. The School Finder shows our local enrolment area. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.
Enrolment process
If you have a child currently enrolled at BHPS please email the Administration Office and we will forward you a ghosted enrolment form. Please do not follow the online steps below.
If you are in our local enrolment area, please follow the three step process to enrol your child at Balgowlah Heights Public School.
Apply online
Our new online enrolment process makes it easier and faster to enrol your child at your local school.
To apply online, you must:
Apply for enrolment online .
If you are not eligible to use the online form or prefer not to, you can download an application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB).
Collect the following documents which are required to support your child’s enrolment at our school:
The following documents must also be provided to the school at the enrolment appointment:
Please bring all completed documents as outlined in Steps 2 & 3 to the BHPS Administration Office on the Western Campus to complete your child's enrolment.
Best Start Kindergarten assessment
The Best Start Kindergarten assessment is a tool to help teachers assess your child's skills as they enter school. Teachers will sit with your child when they start school to assess your child's literacy and numeracy skills. Teachers will use this information to develop an appropriate teaching program that caters for your child’s learning needs.
Best start interviews will run from 8:30am-3:40pm from Tuesday 4 February to Thursday 6 February 2024. You will receive notification of your interview day and time mid December 2024. Please allow 35-40 minutes for your child’s Best Start interview.