Balgowlah Heights Public School

Excellence and Opportunity

Telephone02 9948 2225

Student health and safety

We are committed to ensuring a safe and happy environment for your child.

We support your child’s health and safety through a range of strategies including:

For more information, visit the student wellbeing section of the department’s website.

Like all NSW public schools, we promote the healthy development of students through:

  • school programs and practices that protect and promote health and safety
  • supporting individual students who need help with health issues
  • providing first aid and temporary care of students who become unwell or who have an accident at school.

Too sick for school?

Generally if your child feels unwell, keep them home from school and consult your doctor.

For more information, click here.

Student wellbeing

Like all NSW public schools, we provide safe learning and teaching environments to encourage healthy, happy, successful and productive students.

The department is committed to creating quality learning opportunities for children and young people. These opportunities support wellbeing through positive and respectful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging to the school and community.

The Wellbeing Framework for Schools helps schools support the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of students and allows them to connect, succeed and thrive throughout their education.

Positive Behaviour for Learning

At our school, we use Positive Behaviour for Learning – a whole-school approach for creating a positive, safe and supportive school climate where students can learn and develop. Our whole school community works together to establish expected behaviours and teach them to all students.

Go to the school expectations page for more information.

Go to the student leadership page for more information on student leadership at our school.

Supervison of students

Teachers supervise from 8:35am at school in Area A on the Western Campus Office and under the cola on the Eastern Campus.

  • On arrival with a parent students are permitted to hang bags on the bag hook before going to the playground.
  • There is no playing on the fixed equipment before 9am and after 3.05pm.
  • Staff remain with students until students leave, or are collected. If a student is not collected by 3:15pm they are left with a member of the executive.

All students are expected to leave the playground at 3:05pm unless engaged in an activity conducted under the auspices of the school or parent group. Parents collecting students after school have a responsibility to collect them at 3:05 pm.

Where there has been some urgent or unforeseen circumstance, arrangements for collection of the student will be made by the school with one of the nominated contact adults. Families are advised to register their child with Arabanoo in case of urgent or unforeseen circumstance.

First aid

All injuries are recorded in a first aid register and/or accident report folder. Minor injuries are treated by school staff. Parents, or their emergency contact, are contacted by the school should the injury/illness require medical treatment.

Head lice

Students with head lice cannot be excluded from school. A member of staff will contact parents, or carers of students, affected and allow them to decide as to whether or not they collect their child from school immediately and treat the condition. When a case is detected the school will also notify all students in the affected class

Road safety

The bike, scooter and skateboard safety plan, outlines the processes for educating students in how to safely ride bikes, scooters and skateboards to and from school. The school community, including staff, the Parents and Citizens' Association, members of the Student Representative Council and wider parent body have been engaged in the development of this plan.