Term 1
- School Development Day 1 (SDD) (students do not attend)
- School Development Day 2 (SDD) (students do not attend)
- Band Auditions on SDD
- Summer PSSA
- Kindergarten Best Start interviews
- Class Information Meetings
- Parent Teacher Interviews
- School Photographs
- School Swimming Carnival
- Year 5 Narrabeen Camp
- Selective High School Placement test
- Recognition Assembly (last Monday of term)
- Scripture Service
- Grandfriends' Day
Term 3
- School Development Day 1 (SDD)
- (students do not attend)
- Winter/Summer PSSA
- Opportunity Class Placement Test (Year 4)
- Athletics Carnival
- Education Week
- Book Week
- Sydney North Drama
- Premier's Reading Challenge concludes
- Recognition Assembly (last Monday of term)
Term 2
- School Development Day 1 (SDD) (students do not attend)
- Winter PSSA
- School Cross Country
- Year 6 Canberra Camp
- NAPLAN (Years 3 and 5)
- Sydney North Dance (Years 3 to 6)
- Multicultural Public Speaking Competition
- Semester One Student Reports
- Recognition Assembly (last Monday of term)
Term 4
- Summer PSSA
- Year 2 Swim Scheme
- Kindergarten Orientation Program
- Year 5 Opportunity Class Orientation Morning
- P&C Annual General Meeting
- Year 2 Band Auditions
- Volunteers Thank You Morning Tea
- Band Performance Night
- Recognition Assembly (second last Monday of term)
- School Talent Quest
- Christmas Carols and Year 6 Play
- Semester Two Student Reports
- Year 6 Farewell
- School Development Day (SDD) (last day of term - students do not attend)