Balgowlah Heights Public School

Excellence and Opportunity

Telephone02 9948 2225

Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)

Balgowlah Heights Public School Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is an organisation that is by the people for the people! It is made up of a passionate and dedicated group of parent volunteers who want to help improve the educational experience of our students.

It includes an Executive Committee, employees (e.g. casual canteen and uniform shop staff) and the broader team of volunteers who take on various roles.

See who is on your P&C team here and contact us if you have any questions or need help in any way.

Keep up to date with P&C news and events via the weekly school newsletter and our private P&C Facebook Group and public P&C Facebook Page.

The role of the BHPS P&C 

● Provide a forum for conversation - Everyone is welcome to attend the P&C meetings which take place twice a term on Mondays at 7pm in the 3rd and 8th week of each term. You can join the P&C for $1 to enable you to vote at all future meetings.

View 2020 past meeting agendas and minutes here.

● Raise funds for the school – By working with BHPS families, the school Executive Team and community sponsors the P&C organise volunteer and fundraising events and support opportunities to provide special learning support programs, extra equipment or improved facilities.

Read the 2021 Mid-Year President's Report which summarises the work of the P&C so far this year (January - August 2021).

View the 2020 P&C Operating plan.

View the P&C Financial reports.

Support co-curricular services – This includes the BHPS Healthy Canteen, the Uniform shop, Band program, Walking bus scheme and coordination of class communication via the volunteer parent class coordinators.

Visit the Canteen page.

Visit the Uniform shop page.

Visit the Walking bus page.

Visit the Band page.

Thanks to our school sponsors:

We are very grateful to our P&C sponsors who support the P&C and the school by donating ongoing funds or providing their expertise or equipment. Their generosity helps to improve the school experience for all our students. Thank you also to the many sponsors who provide support and donations for individual fundraising events. We ensure that these sponsors are acknowledged and thanked throughout the year.

P&C Major Sponsor:

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