Balgowlah Heights Public School

Excellence and Opportunity

Telephone02 9948 2225


Our Library provides fantastic reading and research resources to our teachers and students and is an integral part of our childrens' education.

The Library's opening hours are: 

Before School (from 8.30am) | Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Students in Years 3 to 6 may still return and borrow at lunchtimes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Students can return and borrow books straight after school from 3.05pm - 3.15pm (unless there is a meeting).

The library is used for a variety of activities including evening Community Meetings, extra curricula educational activities such as author visits during Book Week and 'Special Day' organisations eg. Aboriginal visits.

The parent community is very supportive of the library, providing funds that are spent by the librarian in consultation with the staff and executive. Items purchased may include books, DVD's, kits and computer equipment. Updating of resources is essential for the total learning programmed of the school.