Balgowlah Heights Public School

Excellence and Opportunity

Telephone02 9948 2225

Early stage 1 - Kindergarten

In English, students learn to read, write, speak, view and represent language. They learn about the English language and literature through working with a wide range of spoken, visual, multimedia and digital texts. Students learn how language varies according to context, and how to communicate with a range of audiences for different purposes. They learn to read for information and pleasure. Students gain a sound grasp of language structures, punctuation, spelling and grammar. They also learn to think in ways that are imaginative, creative and critical.

In Kindergarten


  • communicate appropriately and effectively within the classroom using agreed conventions, eg staying on topic, asking for and offering assistance
  • give short talks and express ideas, eg tell news, describe a favourite toy, describe a science investigation
  • begin developing reading and comprehension skills, eg recognise simple sight words, recognise most sounds of the alphabet, use illustrations and picture clues to make predictions about stories when reading
  • recognise rhymes, syllables and sounds (phonemes) in spoken words n spell some common words accurately in their own writing n write simple sentences/stories for known audiences such as for self, class or parents, eg ‘Yesterday I played soccer.’
  • understand that punctuation is a feature of written text different from letters; recognise how capital letters are used for names, and that capital letters and full stops signal the beginning and end of sentences
  • develop basic skills of writing, including correct pencil grip, good posture and handwriting movements to form lower-case and upper-case letters, eg a, A, b, B