Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Underpinning the school’s student wellbeing framework is the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) program. The program is a school-wide system for defining, teaching and supporting students. The program supports a positive environment in which learning and student engagement is enhanced through consistent expectations. It incorporates a continuum of practices that include:
- school-wide expectations
- formal instruction in social skills
- helping students to regulate their own behaviour
- pro-active supervision in all areas of the school
- regularly rewarding positive student behaviours

As part of the PBL program the school implements the health and personal development program. The program is designed to develop positive behaviours through concepts of resilience, self-discipline, responsibility, good judgement and interaction.
Students who display the PBL values in an exceptional way earn Merit Certificates. When they collect the required number of Merit Certificates they will receive a Bronze, Silver and Gold Award respectively. The system will reset at the beginning of each school year.

Anti-Bullying Plan
Students attend school to participate in quality education that will help them to become self-directed, lifelong learners who can create a positive future for themselves and the wider community. We do not tolerate bullying in any form.
Any inappropriate behaviour that hinders teaching and learning at the school and interferes with the wellbeing of students cannot be accepted. Students, teachers, parents, carers and members of the wider school community have a shared responsibility to create a safe and happy environment, free from all forms of bullying. All students have the right to feel safe and be respected as equally as unique human beings.
The school is proactive in its approach to building a happy, safe, friendly climate where all students work towards the common goal of learning and tolerance in a safe environment. This is reflected in the school’s ‘Student Welfare’ policy and the teachers’ active and on-going commitment towards thorough supervision, professional development, classroom management and teaching.
For more information on anti-bullying strategies for NSW public schools refer to the department’s Bullying: Preventing and Responding to Student Bullying in Schools Policy.
A class 'buddy' system operates between classes to support younger students and develop leadership skills in older students. Buddy classes meet regularly to do a variety of activities:
- play games together
- write and read stories together
- art and craft activities
- combined technology lessons
- gardening together
K-6 school assemblies acknowledge students who demonstrate the school expectations. Years K-2 and Years 3 to 6 assemblies are held on Fridays twice a term. Recognition Assemblies are held on the last Monday morning of Terms 1, 2 and 3 and the second last Monday of Term 4.
Information about school assemblies is published in the school newsletter. Parents and carers are welcome to attend each of our assemblies.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones are the only items of electronic equipment that may be brought to school.
- The phone must be turned off at the school gate and put away immediately.
- The phone must be off all day and only be turned on when leaving the school grounds or when the parent/carer has assumed responsibility of their own child.
- The school will not take responsibility for any loss or damage of the phone while at school.